Laughter Yoga and Type 2 Diabetes


  This study looked at the effect of a 30-minute laughter session on blood glucose level after eating a meal (postprandial).  The 211 participants with type 2 diabetes were divided into two groups. Both had their blood glucose level measured on arrival and then ate the same meal. Both groups then sat for a 90-minute lecture, but one group then participated in a 30 minute laughter yoga session. Blood glucose was then measure in both groups after 120 minutes.
       The 30-minute laughter yoga session reduced the blood glucose level of this group by 16% (9.75 to 8.19 mmol/L) compared to the level at arrival while the control group, that did not do the laughter yoga workout, experienced an increase in blood glucose of 20% (8.35 to 10.04 mmol/L) This result could be due to the physical exercise represented by laughter, the reduction of stress caused by laughter, or other factors, but in any case, the difference is significant.

       As the authors state: “Our study elucidated the inhibitory effect of laughter yoga on the increase in postprandial blood glucose and suggested the importance of daily opportunities for laughter in patients with diabetes. The results obtained indicated that in the future, laughter therapy could be used as a new nonpharmacological approach for improving glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes.” The authors recommend in particular the use of Laughter Yoga rather than using humorous media, because the laughter yoga is a more active approach with greater physical impact.
       Members of the laughter yoga group were also presented with a questionnaire rating their level of enthusiasm, positive attitude, better breathing, energy level, mood, ability to laugh for no reason, optimism, stress level, physical and mental relaxation before and after the laughter yoga session. Improvements were experienced in all categories. “In particular,”, state the authors “the feeling of stress decreased substantially after laughter yoga”. Stress is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease and this is significant for people with diabetes who already have a higher risk for cardiovascular events.

You can download a PDF copy of this scientific paper here: The_inhibitory_effect_of_laughter_yoga_on_the_increase_in_postprandial_blood_glucose_in_type_2_diabetic_patients
An article from Medscape:
Does Laughter Offer Better Blood Glucose Control? 



You Are What You Act (The effect creates the cause)

A great documentary on how you can act using your body to create a mental attitude and feeling. Actors have known this forever. It’s a good shortcut bypassing years of therapy. An example is laughing for no reason in Laughter Yoga in order to trigger real laughter. I learned in this documentary of a new science called “Embodied Cognition” that provides a scientific basis for this phenomenon. Osho, from whom I first learned of laughing meditation. put it this way: “The effect creates the cause”.



Laughgasm, Laugh your way to orgasm

Laughgasm, a word that opens up a new realm of possibilities. I have long felt that deep laughter is an orgasmic experience, and that orgasms share much with a state of uncontrollable laughter. Here is a confirmation of the connectedness of the two phenomena. After all, both of these reflex responses of the body are under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system, that responsible for relieving the body of stress.
Laugh your way to orgasm.

Three Types of Laughter – Osho

[During his discourses on the AKSHYA UPANISHAD Osho explained the place and significance of laughter in human life.]

…Thirdly, it has to be understood that there are three types of laughter. The first is when you laugh at someone else. This is the meanest, the lowest, the most ordinary and vulgar when you laugh at the expense of somebody else. This is the violent, the aggressive, the insulting type. Deep down in this laughter there is always a feeling of revenge.

The second type of laughter is when you laugh at yourself. This is worth achieving. This is cultured. And this man is valuable who can laugh at himself. He has risen above vulgarity. He has risen above lowly instincts — hatred, aggression, violence. And the third is the last — the highest. This is not about anybody — neither the other nor oneself.

The third is just Cosmic. You laugh at the whole situation as it is. The whole situation, as it is, is absurd — no purpose in the future, no beginning in the beginning. The whole situation of Existence is such that if you can see the Whole — such a great infinite vastness moving toward no fixed purpose, no goal — laughter will arise. So much is going on without leading anywhere; nobody is there in the past to create it; nobody is there in the end to finish it. Such is whole Cosmos — moving so beautifully, so systematically, so rationally. If you can see this whole Cosmos, then a laughter is inevitable.

I have heard about three monks. No names are mentioned, because they never disclosed their names to anybody. They never answered anything. In China, they are simply known as the three laughing monks. And they did only one thing: they would enter a village, stand in the market place and start laughing. They would laugh with their whole being and suddenly people would become aware. Then others would also get the infection and a crowd would gather. The whole crowd would start laughing just because of them. What was happening? The whole town would get involved. Then they would move to another town.

They were loved very much. That was their only sermon, their only message; that laugh. And they would not teach; they would simply create a situation. Then it happened that they became famous all over the country. Three laughing monks. All of China loved them, respected them. Nobody had ever preached in such a way that life must be just a laughter and nothing else. They were not laughing at anyone in particular. They were simply laughing as if they had understood the Cosmic joke. And they spread so much joy all over China without using a single word. People would ask for their names, but they would simply laugh. So that became their name — the three laughing monks.

Then they grew old. And while staying in one village. one of the three monks died. The whole village became very much expectant because they thought that when one of them had died, the other two would surely weep. This must be worth seeing because no one had ever seen these people weeping. The whole village gathered. But the two monks were standing beside the corpse of the third and laughing — such a belly laugh. So the villagers asked them to explain this. So for the first time, the two monks spoke and said, “We are laughing because this man has won. We were always wondering as to who would die first and this man has defeated us. We are laughing at our defeat and his victory. Also he lived with us for many years and we laughed together and we enjoyed each other’s togetherness, presence. There can be no better way of giving him the last send off. We can only laugh.”

But the whole village was sad. And when the dead monk’s body was put on the funeral pyre, then the village realized that the remaining two monks were not the only ones who were joking, the third who was dead was also laughing. He had asked his companions not to change his clothes. It was conventional that when a man died they changed his dress and gave a bath to the body. So the third monk had said, “Don’t give me a bath because I have never been unclean. So much laughter has been in my life that no impurity can accumulate, can come to me. I have not gathered any dust. Laughter is always young and fresh. So don’t give me a bath and don’t change my clothes.”

So just to respect his wishes, they did not change his clothes. And when the body was put to fire, suddenly they became aware that he had hidden some Chinese fire-works under his clothes and they had started going off. So the whole village laughed and the other two monks said: “You rascal, you are dead, but you have defeated us once again. Your laughter is the last.”

There is a Cosmic laughter which comes into being when the whole joke of this Cosmos is understood. That is of the highest. And only a Buddha can laugh like that. These three monks must have been three Buddhas. But if you can laugh the second type of laughter, that is also worth trying. Avoid the first. Don’t laugh at anyone’s expense. That is ugly and violent. If you want to laugh, then laugh at yourself. That’s why Mulla Nasruddin, in all his jokes and stories, always proves himself the stupid one, never anybody else. He always laughs at himself and allows you to laugh at him. He never puts anybody else in the situation of being foolish. Sufis say that Mulla Nasrudin is the wise fool. Learn at least that much — the second laughter. If you can learn the second, then the third will not be far ahead. Soon you will reach the third. But leave the first type. That laughter is degrading. But almost ninety-nine percent of your laughter is of the first type. Much courage is needed to laugh at oneself. Much confidence is needed to laugh at oneself. For the spiritual seeker, even laughter should become a part of Sadhana. Remember to avoid the first type of laughter. Remember to laugh the second. And remember to reach the third.

Laughter is Prayer – Osho

laughter is prayer

Laughter is one of the most divine experiences,
but very few people really laugh.
Their laughter is shallow.
Either it is just intellectual or just a facade
or just a formality or just a mannerism,
but it is never total.

If a man can laugh totally, wholeheartedly,
not holding anything back at all,
in that very moment something tremendous can happen –
because laughter, when it is total,
is absolutely egoless
and that is the only condition
in which to know god, to be egoless.

There are many ways to be egoless
but laughter is the most beautiful way.
Laughter needs no talent.
In fact children laugh more beautifully more totally.
As they grow up, their laughter becomes shallow;
they start holding back,
they start thinking whether to laugh or not to laugh,
or whether it is right in this situation to laugh.

Learn the laughter of small children again
laugh consciously and totally –
and not only at others, at yourself too.
One should never miss an opportunity to laugh.
Laughter is prayer.

—— o 0 o ——
From the book:
“Osho, A Must for Morning Contemplation”
A collection of extracts from talks by Osho
compiled at Osho’s suggestion
Copyright Osho International Foundation,
Published by Rebel Publishing House, Germany

All the priests around the world have been trying to make man serious, sad, sombre, a long face. They are all afraid of laughter — laughter is really dangerous, it is almost like a dynamite. If the world, even for twenty-four hours decides that “We will laugh at everything” (laughter) — just twenty-four hours — and all your politicians will commit suicide, and all your priests will jump into the ocean, and all your saints will hang themselves. Just within twenty-four hours there will be such a great revolution in the world. It will be such a deep cleansing phenomenon, it will clean all dirt. But people have completely forgotten low to laugh; in fact they think to laugh is profane: one has to be serious, when you enter the church even if you are laughing, you become serious, you become stiff, you become uptight.
Church should be a place of dancing and singing, rejoicing. One should invite Jesus also to participate, and call god the father also, but “Have a little fun! Why you are hanging above the clouds so long? Come down!” But all the religious places have become sad. They are in the hands of ill people, sick people.
Laughter is tremendously healthy. Playfulness is as sacred as any prayer or maybe more sacred than any prayer, because playfulness, laughter, singing, dancing, will relax you. And only the truth is possible in a relaxed state of being. When you are totally relaxed, in a state of let-go, the impossible starts happening, the miracle starts happening. Let-go is the secret of meditation.

– Osho – Darshan Diaries, Nirvana now or never, chapter 15

Laughter Meditation – Osho

The Laugh Yourself Daft workshops grew out of my experience with Laughing meditation. This is a five minute meditation that I learned from Osho. You start by pretending to laugh, until you are lost in real laughter. This is a technique you can practice by yourself. It was one of those major life-changing experiences. For me laughing for no reason was a big jump towards taking responsibility for my moods. If I wanted to drop my misery and be happy, I could just choose to do this meditation and be so. It’s not like anything you would imagine as meditation if you think meditation is only sitting silently on a cushion, but laughter is a state where the mind disapears in an explosion of joy, and as I understand Osho, this is a sure-fire way to get a taste of meditation. It is certainly relaxing and energizing, and it flushes all your “problems” away. You don’t have to limit yourself to only five minutes, nor do you have to do it only in the morning.

Instructions for Osho’s Laughing Meditation

“Every morning upon waking, before opening your eyes, stretch like a cat. Stretch every fiber of your body. After three or four minutes, with eyes still closed, begin to laugh. For five minutes just laugh. At first you will be doing it, but soon the sound of your attempt will cause genuine laughter. Lose yourself in laughter. It may take several days before it really happens, for we are so unaccustomed to the phenomenon. But before long it will be spontaneous and will change the whole nature of your day.” – Osho, Meditation, The First and Last Freedom, p. 63, Rebel Publishing House,

Listen to a laugh recording to help you laughing

Click here and I will send you a link to listen to recorded laughter to help you in laughing for no reason. There is a musica inerlude every 5 minutes to help you keep track of time.

Laugh for No Reason

A fun, positive and unifying workshop

Laugh for No Reason

A fun, positive and unifying workshop

leave your contact details. You will also receive a link to a recording of laughter you can use to do Laughter Meditation yourself at home.

Your email will not be used for purposes other than laughter events and our mailings are few and far between. Cancel at any time.

TO ORGANIZE A WORKSHOP IN YOUR ORGANIZATION, click here to send a request for information.


World Laughter Day statement by Dr. Kataria


Dear Laughter lovers,

Today is World Laughter Day and a very auspicious day for the whole planet. Our mission is to achieve World Peace through laughter. Tens of thousands of people are gathering around the world to show solidarity and commitment towards this goal. The method we are using is very simple and still very profound: we laugh for no reason, which is the purest form of laughter and an expression of unconditional love.

Laughter is a universal language that has the potential to unite the entire humanity. The way laughter clubs are spreading across the world leaves me with no doubt that laughter is a common link between all nations. Laughter Clubs are non-political, non- religious, non-racial and non competitive.

If we consider the entire world as an extended family and develop the network of laughter clubs, it will build up the global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship.

The reason why we are not laughing enough today is because we have not understood the real meaning of laughter. Laughter is not only amusement, entertainment or fun. It is an expression of inner happiness which can come only when we understand the deeper meaning of life.

The real meaning and purpose of life is that every human being has a unique talent to contribute and GIVE to this world, and not focus more on what we can TAKE or achieve. Another reason why we are not laughing more is that we have learned to laugh only when there is success and achievement. We have not learned to laugh and celebrate our mistakes, failures and difficulties from which we can learn a lot.

Laughter is a positive energy that brings good health, happiness and well being, while the inner spirit of laughter will help us understand the deeper meaning of life. By understanding the ways and means of sensible living through laughter clubs we can bring peace within us and inner peace will bring peace in the outer world.

On this auspicious day I appeal to you all to spread out your arms and laugh for no reason for at least 1 minute, sending out vibrations of peace, love and freedom into the universe for international brotherhood, friendship and world peace

Global Movement For Health, Happiness & World Peace

The Benefits of Laughter Therapy – Dr. Madan Kataria

Extract from the book Laugh for No Reason by Dr. Madan Kataria

It is more than five years now, since the first ‘Laughter Club’ was set up. There is a growing demand for opening such clubs at many more places in India and abroad. Almost everyday, more and more people are joining Laughter Clubs and are being benefited. One of the reasons for these benefits is of course that laughter puts the members in a positive frame of mind and gradually makes them positive thinkers. People suffering from a variety of stress related diseases have benefited in some way or the other.

laughter therapyAnti Stress:
Laughter is one of the finest, most economical and easy to practice anti-stress measures. Laughter is one of the best muscle relaxant. Laughter expands blood vessels and sends more blood rising to the extremities and other muscles all over the body. A good bout of laughter also reduces the levels of stress hormones epineprine and cortisol. It can be said to be a form of dynamic meditation or relaxation. For meditation, one has to put in a concerted effort to completely detach oneself, on mental and emotional levels, from one’s own feelings and thought processes, as well as from the physical world to prevent distractions. On the other hand, while laughing, we do not have any conscious thought process and all our senses naturally and effortlessly combine in a moment of harmony, to give joy, peace and relaxation. In other types of meditation you need to concentrate a lot to take your mind away from distracting thoughts, which is easier said than done. Therefore, laughter is, if I may say so, the easiest form of meditation, which brings you instant relaxation.

Strengthens the Immune System:
Our immune system plays a most important role in keeping good health and keeping away infections, allergies and cancers. It has been proved by psychoneuroimmunologists that all negative emotions like anxiety, depression or anger weaken the immune system of the body, thereby reducing its fighting capacity against infections. According to Dr. Lee S. Berk from Loma Linda University, California, USA, laughter helps to increase the count of natural killer cells (NK cells – a type of white cell) and also raises the antibody levels. Researchers have found that after laughter therapy there is an increase in antibodies (Immunoglobulin A) in the mucous on of the nose and respiratory passages, which is believed to have protective capacity against some viruses, bacteria and other micro organisms. There are many members of Laughter Clubs who have noticed that the frequency of common colds, sore throats and chest infections has decreased. The effect of laughter on our immune system is considered to be very significant in regard to deadly disease like AIDS and Cancer.

Best Aerobic Exercise:
The one benefit almost everybody derives is a sense of well-being. After 15 minutes of laughter in the morning, they feel fresh throughout the day. There is no medicine like laughter, which gives you such an instant result. The reason for the sense of well being is that you inhale more oxygen while laughing. Laughter can be compared to any aerobic exercises except you don’t have to wear fancy shoes or clothes. You don’t need to sweat out hard on the jogging tracks. According to Dr. William Fry from Standford University one minute of laughter is equal to 10 minutes on the rowing machine. In other words, laughter stimulates heart and blood circulation equivalent to any other standard aerobic exercise. Laughter exercise is suited for sedentary people and those who are confined to bed or wheel chair.

Depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders:
The stress and strain of modern life are taking a heavy toll of the human mind and body. Mind-related diseases like anxiety, depression, nervous breakdowns and sleeplessness are on the rise. Laughter has benefited many people who were on heavy anti depressant pills and tranquillizers. Now they are getting better sleep and their depression has reduced. People with suicidal tendencies have started living with more hope.

High Blood Pressure and Heart disease:
There are a number of causes for high blood pressure and heart disease like heredity, obesity, smoking and excessive intake of saturated fats. But stress is one of the major factors. Laughter definitely helps to control blood pressure by reducing the release of stress related hormones and bringing relaxation.

In experiments it has been proved that there is a drop of 10-20 mm. pressure after participating for 10 minutes in a laughter session. It does not mean that those who are taking 2-3 tablets for blood pressure everyday will be completely cured. Maybe, you will require 2 tablets if you are taking 3, or borderline high blood pressure patients may not require any medication after some time. It takes years to develop high blood pressure. It cannot be reversed in a few days or a month. But definitely laughter will exercise some control and arrest further progress of the disease.
Similarly, if you are at high risk of developing heart disease, laughter could be the best preventive medicine. Those who are suffering from heart disease and have stabilized on medication will find that laughter improves the blood circulation and oxygen supply to the heart muscles. Due to improvement of blood circulation there are less chances of forming a clot. Those who have had heart attacks or have undergone bypass surgery can also participate in a laughter Club’s laughter therapy.

Natural Pain Killer:
Laughter increases the levels of endorphins in our bodies, which are natural pain killers. Norman Cousins, an American journalist who was suffering from incurable disease of the spine was benefited with laughter therapy when no painkiller could help him. Endorphins released as a result of laughter may help in reducing the intensity of pain in those suffering from arthritis, spondylitis and muscular spasms of the body. Many women have reported a reduced frequency of migraine and tension headaches.

Alleviates Bronchitis and Asthma:
Laughter is one of the best exercises for those suffering from asthma and bronchitis. It improves the lung capacity and oxygen levels in the blood. Doctors recommend chest physiotherapy to bring out mucous (phlegm) from the respiratory passages. Blowing forcefully into an instrument and blowing balloons is one of the common exercises given to asthmatics. Laughter does the same job, more easily and almost free of cost. There are many individuals suffering from asthma and bronchitis who are members of Laughter Clubs. They have reported a reduced frequency of their attacks. Laughter therapy may cause some discomfort if you have severe bronchospasm. There is a small percentage of asthma cases who may get a little aggravation by doing any exercise (exercise induced asthma). Such individuals should consult their doctors before taking up laughter therapy.
One of the most common causes for frequent attacks of asthma is infection. Laughter Therapy increases the antibody levels in the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, thereby reducing the frequency of chest infections. It also tones up the normal mucous clearing system of the bronchial tubes. Stress is another factor, which can bring on an attack of asthma. By reducing stress, laughter can improve the prognosis of the disease.

Improves Stamina in Athletes:
Since breathing capacity is one of the factors which determines stamina in sports, laughter before any competitive sports activity will increase the relaxation levels and hence, performance. Laughter, I think, can be beneficially introduced as a regular exercise in any kind of sports activity.

Internal Jogging:
There are plenty of exercises available for your body muscles, but laughing provides a good massage to all internal organs. It enhances their blood supply and increases their efficiency. It has been compared to magic fingers, which reach into the interior of the abdomen and massage your organs. The best massage it gives is to the intestines. It improves the blood supply and helps the bowels to move properly.

Good for Actors and Singers:
Laughter Therapy can be very beneficial for singers and actors. Increased lung capacity and exercise of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles will help to gain a better control over speech. Another benefit would be enhanced self-confidence and reduced stage fright due to an increase in the body’s relaxation level, which results from laughter.

Makes You Look Younger:
People do exercise for all the muscles of the body, but there is no regular exercise designed for facial muscles except in Yoga. Laughter is an excellent exercise for your facial muscles. It tones up the muscles of the face and improves facial expressions. When you laugh, your face becomes red due to an increase in blood supply, which nourishes the facial skin and makes it glow. Laughing people look more cheerful and attractive. By squeezing the tear glands through laughter, it moistens the eyes adding a little sparkle to them. Laughter exercises the abdominal muscles and helps to improve muscle tone of those with pot bellies.

Interpersonal Relationships:
Laughter brings people together and improves interpersonal relationships. All the members of a Laughter Club meet each other with open minds and they care for each other. You will get a chance to interact with a number of people with a positive frame of mind. Today, members of different Laughter Clubs are like family members. They know each other well; they share their griefs and sorrows. They share their joyful moments too, by meeting each other, going out for picnics etc. They organize health workshops, yoga camps and naturopathy seminars from time to time. People from various walks of life come together and greet each other with smiling faces.

Self Confidence Through Laughter:
When you are laughing in a group at a public place with your arms up towards the sky, it removes your inhibitions and over a period of time you become a more sociable, unreserved and outgoing person. Admittedly, some people are initially a bit reluctant to join the laughter group, in spite of a strong inclination towards doing so, for fear of appearing absurd to onlookers. However, this is a passing phase and the very decision to join a Laughter Club opens your mind. Gradually, it also adds to your self confidence. It will also help to develop your personality and leadership qualities.

In a Laughter Club, many members are encouraged to conduct sessions. People who were not able to speak a word in public, often become very good public speakers. The Laughter Club of Johnson Garden (Mulund) has produced more than thirty anchor persons. With the passage of time, you will observe a transformation in your personality. You develop a more positive attitude towards life. Minor setbacks or irritants in everyday life no longer cause a serious disturbance, and you learn to deal with them much more effectively.

Social Benefits of Laughter:
Ongoing research shows that people suffering from depression are more prone to many illnesses like high blood pressure, heart attacks and cancer. Depression also affects the immune system adversely. Common causes of depression are social isolation and a diminishing family value system. These are much more in western countries but are now slowly affecting the east also. Laughter Clubs have helped many people to get rid of their antidepressant pills in a short period of time. The magic which has worked wonders is the friendship and brotherhood gained from Laughter Clubs. Laughter Clubs are fast developing into close-knit communities. With the spread of Laughter Clubs in every locality, each club has taken the shape of a small community, wherein its members experience a sense of affiliation and belonging to the group. Clubs are turning into large “Laughing Families”.

Laugh for No Reason

A fun, positive and unifying workshop

Laugh for No Reason

A fun, positive and unifying workshop

TO ORGANIZE A WORKSHOP IN YOUR ORGANIZATION, click here to send a request for information.

leave your contact details. You will also receive a link to a recording of laughter you can use to do Laughter Meditation yourself at home.

Your email will not be used for purposes other than laughter events and our mailings are few and far between. Cancel at any time.



Laughter Yoga – Dr. Madan Kataria

Extract from the book Laugh for No Reason by Dr. Madan Kataria

Over the past two decades, extensive research has been conducted all over the world and it has been proved that laughter has a positive impact on various systems of the body. Laughter helps to remove the negative effects of STRESS, which is the number one killer today. More than 70% of illnesses like high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, depression, frequent coughs and colds, peptic ulcers, insomnia, allergies, asthma, menstrual difficulties, tension headaches, stomach upsets and even cancer, have some relations to stress. It has also been proved beyond a shadow of doubt that laughter helps to boost the immune system, which is the master key for maintaining good health. People have forgotten How to laugh: Scientists are convinced that laughter has both preventive and therapeutic value. But these days, where is laughter? It seems as if people have forgotten how to laugh. According to a study done by Dr. Micheal Titze, a German Psychologist, ‘‘In the 1950’s people used to laugh 18 minutes a day, but today we laugh not more than 6 minutes per day, despite the huge rises in the standard of living.’’ Children can laugh up to 300-400 times in a day, but when we grow into adults this frequency comes down to just 15 times a day. Due to excessive seriousness, our sense of humor is also getting sick. The things at which we used to laugh heartily 30 years ago no longer stimulate even the faintest smile. Sense of Humour is uncommon and uncertain: Today we can’t depend on the sense of humour to create laughter, since humour is a very mental and intelligent phenomenon. Everyone does not have a sense of humour. Everyone cannot tell jokes or understand them fully. It is true that one must have a sense of humour to be able to laugh, but this is also true that very few people have a sense of humour. That means that the majority of people are not able to laugh, because of a lack of the sense of humour. How to laugh and who will make you laugh: Jokes can’t make you laugh every day and a sense of humour is not everyone’s cup of tea. The million-dollar question is how to laugh and who will make you laugh? Here is a breakthrough! For the first time Dr. Madan Kataria, a Mumbai (India) – based physician has developed a new technique: free group laughter based on yoga (Hasya Yoga). Anyone can participate in group laughter, every day for 15-20 minutes, without resorting to jokes. Each laughter session starts with deep breathing and a Ho-Ho, Ha-Ha exercise, followed by a variety of stimulated laughter techniques like hearty laughter, silent laughter, medium laughter, lion laughter, swinging laughter, one meter laughter, cocktail laughter, gradient laughter and many others. It is not difficult to laugh without a reason: Self-induced, stimulated laughter can easily be converted into real laughter when you do it in a group. Laughter is infectious, laughter is contagious and it spreads when you laugh in company and have good eye contact. We have all laughed without a reason when we were children. Children can laugh for no reason because they have very few inhibitions. The very essence of laughing without a reason lies in developing your child-like spirit and playful attitude. If you can do that, laughter will come to you with great ease. Developing A Sense of Humour through Laughter: If a sense of humour leads to laughter, the reverse is also true. When you try to laugh in a group for no reason, your inhibitions are broken and a sense of humour flows. This is exactly the breakthrough we have achieved in our Laughter Clubs. We are finding our sense of humour through laughter. A sense of humour is the capacity of an individual to perceive, relate and experience a given situation in a more funny and humorous way. A sense of humour is nothing that one is born with, but it is a skill which can be acquired with practice. One thing that God has given everyone of us is a tremendous potential to laugh. As you can see, a child can laugh up to 300-400 times a day. The child does not laugh because it has a sense of humour, but because it is in the nature of the child to be joyful. As the child starts growing he is exposed to more and more information and his laughter starts getting lost under layers of seriousness, self-control, responsibility, fear and insecurity. As a result, an ordinary situation at which the child used to be amazed and amused, does not trigger any good feeling any more. To develop a sense of humour, one needs to remove the layers of inhibition and the mental blocks which have been created by oneself, one’s parents and society. Once these barriers are removed, the infinite potential to laugh will unfold automatically and a sense of humour will start flowing. Teaching a person who has a lot of inhibitions to develop a sense of humour is like flushing a drain which is blocked with rubble. Once you remove the blockade, water will start flowing. This is exactly what has happened in Laughter Clubs. It is for this reason that we are successful in making thousands of people laugh in a country like India, where people hardly ever laugh or smile. The same people who never used to smile have started cracking jokes and enjoying jokes in a better way than ever before. They have started being playful and creative. Here, nobody was first trained to have a sense of humour and then laughed. We all laughed and laughed for no reason and without applying much logic. Therefore, it is not always the sense of humour that leads to laughter, but laughter can also help you to develop a sense of humour. Humour and laughter make one unity, each flows into the other. By volunteering to laugh in a group we are preparing the grounds for a sense of humour to flow. Therefore, if you and I don’t have a sense of humour don’t worry: you have to laugh yourself silly and your sense of humour will start flowing. Laughter Clubs are the ideal platforms to laugh your way to silliness, because there is no fear of ridicule by anyone. Philosophy of ‘Fake it Until you Make it’: There is sufficient data available from medical research to show that even if you pretend to laugh or act happy your body produces happiness chemicals. According to the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) whether you laugh spontaneously at a joke or a situation, or whether you stimulate laughter (with willingness), it is still a form of exercise. Our bodies do not know the difference between thinking about doing something and actually doing it. Therefore, whatever may be the source of laughter it leads to the same set of physiological changes occurring in our bodies? Many actors and actresses all over the world have experienced the effect of faking emotions. Many times they felt sick after acting out sadness. This clearly indicates that if acting sadness can make you sick, acting happiness can make you healthy. The idea of Laughter clubs is based on this philosophy of acting happiness. Another theory is called motion creates emotions. If you put your body into an act of happiness, your mind will follow. Willingness Factor: The most important factor in a Laughter Club is your WILLINGNESS TO LAUGH. Though the members of laughter clubs laugh out voluntarily, it is with full commitment and willingness. If you are not willing to laugh, nobody in this world can make you laugh. On the other hand, if you are willing to laugh and give yourself permission to laugh nobody can stop you from laughing. You don’t even need any reason to laugh. Laughter yoga activates laugh muscles: Yogic laughter exercise is not a SUBSTITUTE for the spontaneous laughter which we get throughout the day. As a matter of fact it helps to increase our capacity to laugh during the day. According to another research study, if you stretch your laugh muscles on a regular basis it will make them respond more spontaneously whenever there is something amusing. Group laughter exercises help members to reduce their inhibitions, which enables them to laugh more often. Laughter and its yoga connection: A typical laughter session is a blend of yogic deep breathing, stretching, stimulated laughter exercises and cultivating child-like playfulness. The whole concept of group laughter exercises is based on yoga, which produces a unique physiological balance in our bodies, by connecting body, mind and spirit. Stimulated laughter exercises have been combined with deep breathing which is an important part of yoga. Deep breathing helps to stimulate the calming branch of our nervous system (Parasympathetic system) by rhythmic movement of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Deep breathing helps to increase the net supply of oxygen, which is the most important component of our metabolism. According to principles of yoga, laughter gives a constant massage to the digestive tract and also improves blood supply to all the internal organs. Laughter stimulates blood circulation which helps to transport nutrients all over the body and it also strengthens our respiratory apparatus which supplies oxygen to the body. Laugh for No Reason WorkshopUnfolding Infinite Potential through Laughter: The human brain has a left and a right hemisphere. The left side of the brain is analytical, logical, calculative and concerned with learning skills. The capacity of the left side is LIMITED. You can’t learn beyond a certain limit. The right side of the brain is concerned with intuition, imagination, inventions, music, art, creativity, meditation and healing. The power of the right side of the brain is UNLIMITED. One of the easiest ways to stimulate the right side of the brain is by playfulness. By being playful one can become more creative and imaginative. It will unfold the unlimited potential of our beings, but the problem with most of us is that we can’t be playful all the time or with everybody. A laughter club is an ideal platform which gives an opportunity to be playful in a group, without a feeling of embarrassment. Adding new Dimensions to laughter: Most people think that laughter is only for amusement and entertainment, so that one can feel relaxed. Laughter is not merely a physical phenomenon. It does not make any sense if a laughter club member laughs a lot at the laughter club in the morning and keep screaming and shouting at his wife the whole day at home. Therefore, one should not laugh only for oneself. It is the responsibility of every laughter club member to make others also happy. Laughter should be reflected in one’s behaviour and attitudes towards others. The members of laughter clubs do not only laugh, but they also practice ways and means of sensible living. Through group discussions we identify all the negative factors which stop us from laughing. For example: anger, fear, guilt and jealousy are some of the negative emotions which produce negative feelings in us. In a group effort we try to cultivate positive emotions like love, appreciation, kindness, forgiveness and joy. The motto of laughter club members is not only to make themselves happy, but also to make others happy. This is known as the SPIRIT OF LAUGHTER. The inner spirit of laughter can be cultivated easily in a group effort. As a group the members of laughter clubs inspire and motivate each other. We know so many good things in life, but we don’t get motivation to practise them, but if we do it in a group it happens in a much easier way. Liberating Your Laughter from Reason: Normally, people look for some reason to laugh, but these days, because of the stress and strain of modern living, there are very few things which make us laugh, while there are hundreds of things that can make us frown, howl and cry. Like laughter, happiness has also become conditional. Our happiness depends upon so many pre-conditions. Our happiness and laughter has become dependent on material success and personal achievements. Laughter is an expression of happiness. If we can learn to laugh unconditionally our happiness too will become unconditional. Therefore, liberate your laughter and happiness from reason by joining a Laughter Club; it will give you joy forever. Wisdom becomes Manifest in a group: We have a wealth of eastern and western wisdom which, if practised, can help us to lead a happy and blissful life. One may acquire knowledge about swimming after reading a number of books, but all remains good for nothing if one does not get into the water and start to swim. This is the problem with most of us, that our knowledge about so many good things in life is not manifested because of lack of motivation. We know the theory but we do not put it into practice. The success of Laughter Clubs is attributed to a group effort. We know so many good things in life, but we don’t get motivation to practise them. If we do it in a group though, it happens in a much easier way. Nobody would have thought one could laugh without jokes. It happened only when we all ventured into trying laughter as a group effort. In a group the motivation levels are very high. You don’t have to do it, it just happens. You will do it because others are doing it. If we can laugh together, we can also practise ways and means of sensible living together. Laughter Suits All and is User friendly: Laughter exercise is short and sweet and can be conveniently added to your existing fitness programmes. It will be a value addition at yoga groups, tai-chi groups, aerobic centre, meditation centre, health clubs, sports and fun activities. Already laughter yoga has been included in the curriculum of yoga sessions all over the world. Thousands of yoga practitioners have added 5-10 minutes of unconditional laughter at the end of their yoga sessions. You may not have to take special time out to laugh. The only requirement is that it should be practised in a group and on a daily basis if possible. Most important is that it does not depend upon external factors but on your own internal resources. Whenever, wherever the group decides to, they can laugh and gain the benefits. If you are a working person, group laughter will give you instant relaxation and help you to increase well being, so that you can work hard throughout the day. If you are the kind of person who needs to socialise and increase social contacts and become a part of a support group, it has a social medicine in it. This kind of format is ideally suited for retired people and the elderly. If you are a person with intelligent introspection and a spiritual inclination it has a lot of philosophy in it. You can learn the art of living through laughter. In a nutshell, the concept of Laughter Clubs has something for everyone to learn and get benefits from. World Peace: the Mantra for the New Millennium: There is war in the world because we are at war within ourselves. If we can bring peace inside us there will be peace outside. If we can bring peace inside us by practising yogic laughter and following ways and means of sensible living and these Laughter Clubs multiply all over the world, there will be everlasting peace on this planet.

Laugh for No Reason

A fun, positive and unifying workshop

Laugh for No Reason

A fun, positive and unifying workshop

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